Organizers Plan Second Stop the Steal Rally in Nashville for Saturday


Organizers have scheduled a second Stop The Steal Rally for this coming weekend in Nashville to protest potential voter fraud and other irregularities that may have affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

The event will take place at noon Saturday on the grounds of the Tennessee State Capitol, said Patrick Hampton, one of the event organizers.

Cecilia DeSonia, another organizer, told The Tennessee Star Wednesday that she and others hope to keep up the same energy and momentum that followed last Saturday’s Stop The Steal Rally at the same location.

“There are enough questionable things that have been going on that there needs to be an investigation. There needs to be recounts and lawsuits and things of that nature so that we can have a fair election,” DeSonia said.

“This isn’t us throwing a fit because Trump wasn’t declared the winner. This is us being concerned about the future of the United States of America [so] that we can still believe in our democracy and our election integrity. Even if there is not enough corruption to sway the outcome it is still concerning and we have to do something about that to protect our democracy.”

Scheduled speakers, DeSonia and Hampton said, include the following:

• Singer Joy Villa

• Pastor Ben Graham of the Music City Baptist Church

• State Sen. Mark Pody (R-Lebanon)

• Ty and Charlene Bollinger

• Robby Starbuck

• Landon Newsom Starbuck

• Tina Marie Griffin (also known as “Counter Culture Mom”)

Hampton, meanwhile, said organizers hope to get people to understand the U.S. Constitution and the electoral process.

“If people are saying that Donald Trump is a sore loser then let the courts decide. That is why we have a judicial branch of government. I tell people to wait and let it play out and let the data speak for itself,” Hampton said.

“If Joe Biden won this election fair and square and all with legal votes then we will accept that, but what we will not accept is Joe Biden winning an election with illegal votes. If they were on our side then they would want the same thing to play out.”

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected].







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2 Thoughts to “Organizers Plan Second Stop the Steal Rally in Nashville for Saturday”

  1. John

    The only way to stop this steal is going to be from the barrel of a gun.

    Don’t take this the wrong way and think it is a call to violence, because it is not. Just saying the republic is corrupt. The current status quo isn’t going to allow the swamp to be drained. It’s as simple as that. Besides, when has a rally every stopped the corrupt politicians in Washington from doing what they want? Especially when they are Democrats.

  2. Julie

    The left is trying to ignore the concerns of over 70 million people that voted for Trump. If they really feel that they won they would welcome any kind of fraud investigation to demonstrate they won fairly. They don’t want to talk about any examples other than to say that the issue is not “widespread” so it sounds like a little fraud is okay (and won’t lead to big fraud). Do these people really think we are going to believe and trust them?
